Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reliable Source

The internet can be a great source of information, but it can also be a source of incorrect information. I browse several different equine forums.  I have forums and resources that I refer to frequently and know I can get sound information from professionals, but I also read on several other forums where the information is not so clear and sometimes incorrect.  I think people, especially horse owners should be careful of where they recieve their information.  Horse owners should seek information from professionals of the field versus what others might have heard or read.  

In your efforts to learn more about your equines, be sure to find a reliable source so that you can recieve correct information to your questions.  When reading up on a certain subject, consider who wrote the material.  What type of credentials does that person have?  How many years of experience does the author or speaker have in their field?  If the ideas or methods the person offers are new, what research, studies, or experiments have they done to prove their methods are sound?  What type of continued education has that person participated in to stay up to date and current in their field?

It may take time to find answers to all these questions and may lead to more questions or further reasearch, but you'll find that it is well worth it for your peace of mind and the well being of your animals.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I think in this era of information we are bombarded with so much information that we forget to check for accuracy.
